Monday, October 26, 2009

My Thoughts on Uncharted 2 (there be spoilers in here!)

At this point, what else is there to say about Naughty Dog's latest epic Uncharted 2: Among Thieves? I mean, everyone has touched on the graphics, the amazing score and sound effects, the monumental setpieces, how it can turn water to wine and how it can make xbots weep in their sleep because they're never going to be able to play this game until they turn to the "dark sideeeee."

But having finished this game last week and having a few days to let it sink in, I wanted to add my own two cents as to why this game is such a masterpiece, as well as an improvement over the original in so many ways.

1) Uncharted 2 has great pacing

Uncharted 2 has a great storyline which would make for great summer blockbuster movie. The Indiana Jones Trilogy (I refuse to acknowledge part 4 as part of canon) were excellent summer blockbuster movies. So what does the game and the movie series have in common? A lighthearted adventure that gave the characters room to explore their surroundings, as well as get into all kinds of trouble. Uncharted 2 has a great storyline, but one which gives its characters (and by that, the player) room to explore the different locations, and take in the lush scenery. I mean, I can't count how many times I had to stop and just walk around upon entering a new chapter in the story. Although the game is one grandiose experience after another, I appreciated the times when the game just allowed me to sitdown and look around. Compare this to Killzone 2 wherein it feels like you're just herded from one destination to another.

Best example: Exploring the town in Nepal for the first time. Playing soccer with the kids and pretending to scare them were some of the simplest but most sublime memories in the game.

2) Great, great GREAT dialogue

This is almost too painfully obvious while playing this game, but I thought that Uncharted 2 has the greatest rapport between characters in a videogame ever. There may have been games with better voice acting, but none can touch the chemistry that Nathan, Chloe, Sullivan and Elena have. You know that you've invested heavily in these characters when you have a big smile on your face when you see Sully and his pornstache again for the first tine, or when you're protecting Elena and Chloe from gunfire in a shootout. The dialogue, and how these characters communicate with one another helps to really immerse the players in their world. Great, great stuff.

Best example: One of the standout moments for me was going with Chloe to the top of a building and finding a swimming pool there. In the midst of the civil war going on around them, as well as the huge helicopter stalking their every move what does Nathan Drake do? He goes for a swim, and invites Chloe to go in for a dip. Marcoooooo, Polooooooooo! Hilarious stuff

There are so many more reasons why I love this game, but those two are at the top of my list. Funny how in a game touted for all the action, gunfire and intense shootouts its the simpler moments that I appreciated most. Kudos for Naughty Dog and their knowledge of the different kinds of gamers and what they'd love to play. They sure got me!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

An Escape

Rainman1003 is an avatar I came up with many, many moons ago as I became more active in the buying and selling of secondhand items. It was actually inspired by the movie of the same name, which I loved at the time. Hopefully no one thinks that I have mental problems similar to Dustin Hoffman in the movie.

Within this blog, I will be writing about some of my favorite hobbies: Videogames, movies, comics, NBA, and more importantly the Chicago Bulls. This is my escape from a world of corporate responsibilities, a way for me to never let go of the geek inside me. I mean, we all need to let our inner geek free, right?

So welcome to a world of geek culture!!